Monday 23 May 2016

Incorrect and correct sentences ( Part-1 )

Incorrect: He won a first prize.
Correct: He won the first prize.
Incorrect: The vacation is drawing to close.
Correct: The vacation is drawing to a close.
Incorrect: This is fact.
Correct: This is a fact.
Incorrect: The work has come to end.
Correct:  The work has come to an end.
Incorrect: Never tell lie.
Correct: Never tell a lie.
Incorrect: It is quarter to six.
Correct: It is a quarter to six.
Incorrect: I know he is fool.
Correct: I know he is a fool.
Incorrect: I know he was miser.
Correct: I know he was a miser.
Incorrect: I know he was coward.
Correct: I know he was a coward.
Incorrect:  It costs me ten and half taka.
Correct: It costs me ten and a half taka.
Incorrect: Naughty boy makes noise.
Correct: A naughty boy makes a noise.
Incorrect: Let us go out for walk.
Correct: Let us go out for a walk.
Incorrect: He gave me hundred taka.
Correct: He gave me a hundred taka.
Incorrect: I shall buy pair of shoes.
Correct: I shall buy a pair of shoes.
Incorrect: Cow is useful animal.
Correct: The cow is a useful animal.
Incorrect: I have much work in the hand.
Correct: I have much work in hand.
Incorrect: He got the poem by the heart.
Correct: He got the poem by heart.
Incorrect: We made him the captain.
Correct: We made him captain.
Incorrect: The iron is very useful.
Correct: Iron is very useful.
Incorrect: Gold of this ring is very pure.

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