Saturday 30 April 2016

Use of Think, assume and expect

think can be used in the continuous when no pinion is given or asked for:

What are you thinking about?—I’m thinking about the game that I saw last night.
What do you think of it?  (Opinion is asked for)------I don’t think much of it. (Opinion is given)
John is thinking of going abroad.      What do you think of his plan?
I think it is not a good plan. He should stay where he is staying now.

assume can be used in the continuous when it means accept as a starting point.

I’m assuming that you have enough time to finish the work.
I’m assuming that it is time to start the journey.
I’m assuming he has a lot of time to finish reading the book.

assume power / control of a country or organization can also be used in the continuous.

The man is assuming the highest position in the office.
The new government is assuming the power of the country at once.
The opposition party are assuming to snatching the power.

expect can also be used in the continuous when it means ‘await’.

I am expecting a letter from you.
She is expecting a baby in March.
We are expecting your arrival.
We were expecting his success.

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