Friday 6 January 2017

Incorrect and correct sentences ( Part-2 )

Incorrect: He is best boy in the class.
Correct: He is the best boy in the class.
Incorrect: Whole Bangladesh supported him.
Correct: The whole of Bangladesh supported him.
Incorrect: This is slip of pen.
Correct: This is a slip of the pen.
Incorrect: This is slip of tongue.
Correct: This is a slip of the tongue.
Incorrect: He is best in the class.
Correct: He is the best in the class.
Incorrect:  I am quite in dark.
Correct: I am quite in the dark.
Incorrect: He is in wrong.
Correct: He is in the wrong.
Incorrect: Victoria is bound for Japan.
Correct: The Victoria is bound for Japan.
Incorrect: Quran is divine book.
Correct: The Quran is a divine book.
Incorrect: Earth moves round sun.
Correct: The earth moves round the sun.
Incorrect: Rich should help poor.
Correct: The rich should help the poor.
Incorrect: Patience of camel is proverbial.
Correct: The patience of the camel is proverbial.
Incorrect: Himalayas are highest mountain.
Correct: The Himalayas are the highest mountain.
Incorrect: Meghna is larger river.
Correct: The  Meghna is a larger river.
Incorrect: I shall buy few books.
Correct: I shall buy a few books.
Incorrect: He is too weak to get out of door.
Correct: He is too weak to get out of doors.
Incorrect: Cattles are grazing.
Correct: Cattle are grazing.
Incorrect: He took pain for me.
Correct: He took great pains for me.
Incorrect: No order has yet been passed.
Correct: No orders have yet been passed.
Incorrect:  I have taken my meals.
Correct: I have taken my meal.

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