of can/am able, could/was able/may/might
Can and be able may be used in present form, can is
more usual:
Sub+can/am able to+v+ob+extension.
I can do it alone.
I am able to do it alone.
He can give me money today.
We are able to punish him anytime.
I am able to cross the line easily.
He can flee away from the prison anyhow.
***Could/was able to used to mean past action.
Sub+could/was able to+v+o+extension.
I could go to the fair alone.
She was able to finish the work.
We could meet him today.
***Could is sometimes used to mean present action:
you get another job? (If wanted)
***Could and was
able used for past ability
I was young like you I could/was able to run a mile at a stretch.
***Could you? is very good way of introducing a request. It
is an alternative to would you? And it shows a little polite manner.
you please send me an application form?
you lend some money?
you give me some money?
students choose what they wanted to study?
***Could or was/were allowed to for permission in the past
***Could can also express general permission in the past.
On Mondays we could stay at home.
On Fridays we were allowed to stay at home.
I had a visa so I was allowed to enter in the country.
Request for
Can I?
Could I?
May I?
Might I?
are all possible and can be used for the present or future.
Can I ? is the most informal.
Could I? is the most generally useful of the four, as it can
express both formal and informal requests.
May I? is a little more formal than Could I? but can also be
used for both types of requests.
Might I? is more diffident than May I? and it indicates much
uncertainty about the answer.
***May and might are used for the present and future.
***Might in the conditional and after verbs in the past
If you invited him he could come.
He said that he might hire the car.
I knew we might have to wait for him there.
***May/might for present or future possibility.
Tom may lend you the money. (It stresses on may strongly but
implies not very likely).
Tom might lend you the money. It stresses on might
strongly and it implies I think
this is at all likely /unlikely.
He may come today. (Not
She might help you. (But not sure)
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