Thursday, 24 May 2018


Ramadan is the month of fasting. This month is very important for all the Muslim Ummah . The holy Quran was published through our great prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) in this month. The goodness of this month is uncountable. The Muslim can gain lots goodness (neki), through their good deeds. Ramadan teaches us to understand the distress of the poor unfed people how much they suffer without food. The rich can understand the sorrow and plight of the needy people who are unfed through this Ramadan. Ramadan opens the people's conscience of the difference between the fed and unfed. In the Hadith, it is also described that if any person helps another person to break the fast in the right time then Allah will give him same goodness as the person who keeps fasting and gets the goodness. If one good deed is done he / she will be provided the same goodness as the other time out of the month of Ramadan of seventy times done. If one rakah (salah) prayer is performed in this month then he / she will be given the goodness of seventy rakah prayers at another time by Allah. This month is blessed for the Muslim Ummah. We, every Muslim should follow the rules and regulation of this month so that we can come close to the almighty Allah who created and sent us to this universe to pray and follow the rules given by him and gain piles of goodness in this month. May Allah grant our prayers and guide us through the right track in this month as well as after this holy month.

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