Saturday, 23 March 2019

Newspaper (Composition)


Introduction: A newspaper is a paper that gives us news of all that happens at home and abroad. It gives us news of day-to-day happening in different parts of the world. It is one of the blessings of modern civilization. We cannot think of modern life without the newspaper. Man is curious by nature. He wants to know about various events in the world. The newspaper is the best medium to satisfy this curiosity.


Its history: The first newspaper was published in China. Venice of Italy was the first place where the first newspaper had seen the light of day in Europe. During the reign of Elizabeth, it was published in England. The “Indian Gazette” published in 1774 was the first newspaper in the sub-continent. “The Samachar Darpan” brought out by the Missionaries of Sree Rampur was the first Bengali newspaper.


Its kindsThere are various kinds of newspapers in the world. They are dailies, weeklies, monthlies, fortnightlies, and so on. The daily newspaper carries various kinds of news and views of the daily affairs of the respective country along with the whole world. Therefore, the daily newspaper is popular with all sections of people. Other kinds of newspapers are known as periodicals and magazines. They contain articles, stories, works of literature, poems, and some other items.




Newspapers in Bangladesh: In Bangladesh, the Nayadiganta, the Ittefaq, the Amardesh, the Inquilab, etc are the important Bengali dailies. The Bangladesh Times and the Bangladesh Observer are prominent English dailies. The Robber, the Bitchitra, the Bartaman Dianka, the Chaya Chhanda, etc are the names of weekly magazines. The Chitta Bangla and the Ananda Bichitra are fortnightly and monthly magazines respectively.


The usefulness of Newspapers: Newspaper is very useful to all sections of people. It tells us what is happening at home and abroad. It is said that the Newspaper is a storehouse of knowledge and information. All sections of people such as Students, Lawyers, Politicians, Traders, sportsmen, etc. are always in need of newspapers. They find in the newspaper some items of information that are very useful to them. It familiarizes the students with the world outside. Merchants read the newspaper to know the condition of the market, Lovers of sports go through them to get the sports news, and Politicians come to know the political news of the world. Employment seekers get useful information from it. It is for all these reasons newspapers are a great concern to all. Newspaper is also the best medium of advertisement. Businesspersons bring their products and goods to the notice of a wide circle of people through it. People also express their opinions through newspapers. It is the means of communication between the government and the people.


Drawbacks: Newspapers have a great responsibility. Their duty is to lead the people and nation in the right way. Hence, they should furnish correct news and impartial views. However, this is often ignored. As different political parties own newspapers, they provide news and express views in their own way. Truly speaking, newspapers sometimes suppress the truth and spread lies. Hence, the newspaper is not always an unmixed blessing. Napoleon said, "Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets".


Conclusion: In spite of its drawbacks, the newspaper is the most useful thing in modern life. We cannot think of a day without it. Reading a newspaper is a good habit. The more we read the newspaper, the more we can acquire knowledge. If we do not read it, we shall be like the frogs in a dark well. It is like a looking glass through which we can see the modern world. So, all of us should read it regularly to obtain more knowledge of the world happening around us.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Ideal Career as Forensic Psychologist

Introduction: Some people have different goals than others. My ideal career goal is to complete all the training required to become a proficient source of protection for our society. My desired goal is to become a Forensic Psychologist so that I can better understand not only the legal side of psychology but also the minds of criminals and their victims. I also want to work with a team of other professionals in addition to working directly with clients or criminal offenders.


Reason for choice: By choosing to study Criminal Justice, I hope to learn all I need to know about the study of Forensics and what criminal justice is really about. Currently, I am taking this class to get my associate’s Degree, which is a start toward my future goal of getting my Doctoral Degree in psychology. One reason I am choosing to study Forensic Psychology is that I took basic psychology in my senior year of high school. Since then it has fascinated me to want to know more about the human brain and its functions.

As well as why criminals do the crimes that they do, and how I prevent the action to happen again in the future. Forensic Psychology is the intersection between psychology and the criminal justice system. It involves understanding criminal law in the relevant jurisdictions to be able to interact appropriately with paralegals. It is also the ability to testify in court, reformulating psychological findings into the legal language of the courtroom.

Benefit: As I pursue a career in Forensic Psychology, I hope to work in an environment that is safe for not only my well-being but the professionals around me as well. Since the basic psychologist works usually behind a boring desk pushing papers all day, I want to get out from behind the desk and help people with hands-on cases. Furthermore, I wish to get into the minds of the most dangerous criminals and come to a conclusion about why they do what they do. The perfect place that I believe would be best for me is an FBI office.

Having a college degree opens a lot of doors to job opportunities besides criminology. However having a doctoral degree in psychology can open jobs in hospitals, or schools that deal with that particular profession. Becoming a Forensic Psychologist allows me to be in a more legal environment than I would be as a basic psychologist. 



Conclusion: So in conclusion to my ideal career, by choosing to follow the profession of becoming a Forensic Psychologist, I hope to accomplish a better stand-point on what environment and people I will be training to study for. I also hope to succeed in psychology so that I can help people and enjoy what I am training to become a Forensic Psychologist.


Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Homes of people and other animals

An igloo=Eskimo; a house=people; a hive=bees; an earth=fox; a den=lion; a pigeon-shed=pigeon; a vicarage=vicar; a sty=hog; a burrow=rabbit; a hutch= tame rabbit; a nest=bird.
Hare= A hare's home is known as a form. 
mole= fortress, a burrow, or a tunnel, hole

ant-anthill, pig-pigsty, bee-beehive, bird-nest, bear-cave, cow-shed, dog-kennel, fish-water, goldfish-aquarium, mouse-mouse hole, hermit-crab=shell, rabbit-burrow, chicken-coop, horse-stable, dolphin-sea, frog-pond, duck-duck pond, spider-web, snake-hole.
Other animal homes
badger – sett, otter – holt, eagle – eyrie, pig- pigsty, bat – cave (roost), sheep – pen, cow – shed, squirrel – drey, termite – mound,
Rabbit=warren (burrow), spider=web, lion= den, fox=earth, bear=cave, dog= kennel, rabbit, ant= nest, nest (or hill), bee= hive, horse= stable.
monastery= monk
a cottage= a small house specially in the country
a house= a building for people to live
a bungalow=a house built on one level, without stairs
a palace= a house where king and queen live
orphanage=orphans (living place of the children who have no parents)

Thursday, 24 May 2018


Ramadan is the month of fasting. This month is very important for all the Muslim Ummah . The holy Quran was published through our great prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SM) in this month. The goodness of this month is uncountable. The Muslim can gain lots goodness (neki), through their good deeds. Ramadan teaches us to understand the distress of the poor unfed people how much they suffer without food. The rich can understand the sorrow and plight of the needy people who are unfed through this Ramadan. Ramadan opens the people's conscience of the difference between the fed and unfed. In the Hadith, it is also described that if any person helps another person to break the fast in the right time then Allah will give him same goodness as the person who keeps fasting and gets the goodness. If one good deed is done he / she will be provided the same goodness as the other time out of the month of Ramadan of seventy times done. If one rakah (salah) prayer is performed in this month then he / she will be given the goodness of seventy rakah prayers at another time by Allah. This month is blessed for the Muslim Ummah. We, every Muslim should follow the rules and regulation of this month so that we can come close to the almighty Allah who created and sent us to this universe to pray and follow the rules given by him and gain piles of goodness in this month. May Allah grant our prayers and guide us through the right track in this month as well as after this holy month.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Problems of Bangladesh paragraph

Bangladesh is a small country. It achieved its independence in 1971 after long war of 9 months. In spite being independent the people of this country face a lot of problems in their daily lives. There is a lot of problems such as: economic problem, education problem, health problem food problem unemployment problem, political problem and inflation problem, etc.
Bangladesh is not economically stable. Most of the people of Bangladesh live under poverty. There is a great discrimination seen between the rich and poor for this problem. The rich people don't want to get along with the poor people. They consider them as their lower class so the clash among them is a common scenario in Bangladesh. If the country would be economically stable and there would have proper allocation among them this problem would be solved in the society.
Educational problem is a great problem of Bangladesh. Most of the people of Bangladesh are illiterate. They are not conscious of the health care and so they cannot take proper food and cannot select which food is more nutritious for them. This ignorance make unconscious of the sanitation and they suffer from different sorts of diseases like dysentery, cholera, malaria and more various diseases. To make them conscious of these problems they must have to be well educated. The light proper education should be spread every nook and corner of the society.  
The inflation problem or the high price of the daily products is another great problem in Bangladesh. The price of food and other commodities is getting high day by day. The poor people cannot buy good food and so they become sick and feeble.  As a result the compulsion among people is common sight. The source of this problem is that the businessmen store the necessary things and later on they sell it in high rate. In this case the government should take immediate action to stop this syndication.
The most and biggest problem in Bangladesh is the unemployment problem. This problem is increasing day by day. Lacs of people are being graduate every year. The vacancy of the work is very limited. These educated people are getting jobs so they are becoming entangled in different types of mal-activities. Moreover these people being frustrated in their lives becoming addicted and doing a lot of misdeeds and making chaos in the society. To solve this problem the government should make new industries and work space for these unemployed people. There is another problem that political problem. The political unrest is the most scenery of this country. The political parties cannot tolerate each other. They think themselves as enemies of each other. They do not agree to solve problems together created in the country. They always want to show their own power.  In spite of having these problems there are more lots of problems that should be solved with our concerted efforts with the help of the government to build up a happy and prosperous Bangladesh.