Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Ideal Career as Forensic Psychologist

Introduction: Some people have different goals than others. My ideal career goal is to complete all the training required to become a proficient source of protection for our society. My desired goal is to become a Forensic Psychologist so that I can better understand not only the legal side of psychology but also the minds of criminals and their victims. I also want to work with a team of other professionals in addition to working directly with clients or criminal offenders.


Reason for choice: By choosing to study Criminal Justice, I hope to learn all I need to know about the study of Forensics and what criminal justice is really about. Currently, I am taking this class to get my associate’s Degree, which is a start toward my future goal of getting my Doctoral Degree in psychology. One reason I am choosing to study Forensic Psychology is that I took basic psychology in my senior year of high school. Since then it has fascinated me to want to know more about the human brain and its functions.

As well as why criminals do the crimes that they do, and how I prevent the action to happen again in the future. Forensic Psychology is the intersection between psychology and the criminal justice system. It involves understanding criminal law in the relevant jurisdictions to be able to interact appropriately with paralegals. It is also the ability to testify in court, reformulating psychological findings into the legal language of the courtroom.

Benefit: As I pursue a career in Forensic Psychology, I hope to work in an environment that is safe for not only my well-being but the professionals around me as well. Since the basic psychologist works usually behind a boring desk pushing papers all day, I want to get out from behind the desk and help people with hands-on cases. Furthermore, I wish to get into the minds of the most dangerous criminals and come to a conclusion about why they do what they do. The perfect place that I believe would be best for me is an FBI office.

Having a college degree opens a lot of doors to job opportunities besides criminology. However having a doctoral degree in psychology can open jobs in hospitals, or schools that deal with that particular profession. Becoming a Forensic Psychologist allows me to be in a more legal environment than I would be as a basic psychologist. 



Conclusion: So in conclusion to my ideal career, by choosing to follow the profession of becoming a Forensic Psychologist, I hope to accomplish a better stand-point on what environment and people I will be training to study for. I also hope to succeed in psychology so that I can help people and enjoy what I am training to become a Forensic Psychologist.